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Various support services are available for solving challenges and cultivating human resources of small and medium-sized companies.
Coordinators with expert knowledge approach the technological challenges of small and medium-sized companies from the viewpoint of photonics and electronics technologies and provide support to solve them. Please feel free to contact us.
We have grant projects for the prototyping of products that utilize photonics and electronics technologies and for the introduction and utilization of photonics and electronics technologies that contribute to productivity improvement in existing business.
This is a support system in which project teams consisting of experts from universities and other research bodies solve challenges that cannot be solved by a company on its own.
In accordance with Photonics Declaration 2013 in Hamamatsu, signed by Shizuoka University, the Hamamatsu University School of Medicine, the Graduate School for the Creation of New Photonics Industries, and Hamamatsu Photonics K.K. with the aim of establishing Hamamatsu as a preeminent photonics city that pursues cutting-edge photonics research, we set out on a 5-year plan, ending in 2020, to develop medical photonics technology centered around Shizuoka University.
For managers and employees in manufacturing industries in Shizuoka Prefecture, we hold seminars roughly twice a year to deepen their expertise with respect to manufacturing using photonics technologies.
To enable regional small and medium-sized companies to learn about the usability and potential of photonics technologies, such as lasers and sensors, we hold basic seminars every year in cooperation with eight municipalities in western Shizuoka Prefecture.
With the aim of raising morale in the region and revitalizing the economy through lectures by people who are active on the front lines, we hold a Creation of the Future of Photon Valley Seminar every year.
To develop human resources who can commercialize manufacturing and create tangible and intangible value from the viewpoint of customers and revitalize the industry, we provide courses to train human resources who have innovative mindsets and can create frameworks for commercialization.
To support the development of sales channels in metropolitan and other areas for products and technologies of small and medium-sized companies in Shizuoka Prefecture, we participate in joint exhibits with companies at large-scale exhibitions.
We are working on initiatives that utilize a network of overseas industry support organizations related to photonics and electronics technologies, including cooperation with a cluster in Jena, Germany.